Early Basset Hounds

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All Photos taken from Les Races de Chiens

by Le Comte Henri de Bylandt



ChChopette.gif (43867 bytes)

Ch. Chopette

Owned by Mr.s F. Stokes, Blackheath, England

(Reproduced from Chasse et Peche)


ChFinoV.gif (22857 bytes)

Ch. Fino V

Owned by Mr. M. Kennedy, London, England

(reproduced from Chasse et Feche)


ChMerveilleIIdePreaux.gif (11791 bytes)

Ch. Merveille II de Preaux

owned by Mr. L. Verrier, Preaux


ChTambour.gif (20562 bytes)

Ch. Tambour

Owned by Baron A. de Segnzac, Ressons, France

(Reproduced from L'Acclimation)


Merveille-Caressant.gif (23326 bytes)

Merveille and Caressant

Owned by Mr. L. Verrier, Preaux, France

(Reproduced from L'Acclimation)


Ramoneau.gif (35586 bytes)


owned by Mr. E. Doulay, Maule

(Reproduced from L'Acclimation)


Rochbeau,Fanfare,Miraut, Meteore, Braconno, Gibelotte, Champion.gif (73645 bytes)

Rochambeau, Fanfare, Miraut, Meteore, Braconno, Gibelotte and Champion

(From the Jardin d'Acclimation de Paris)

Rowena.gif (15021 bytes)


Owned by Mme. M. Tottie, Bell Busk

(from Our Dogs)

Tambeau,Ravaude,Mirabelle,RavisseurdeSorel.gif (30667 bytes)

Tambeau, Ravaude, Mirabelle and Ravisseur de Sorel

Owned by Baron A. de Segnzac, Ressons, France




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Graphics Courtesy of:

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